Saturday, April 15, 2006

This building will fall down

The Garden by Einstürzende Neubauten on Grooveshark

I think I have been a little stressed out. Change is good - but it hurts - and it shows in my dreams. The other day I had one of those flying dreams that you remember from childhood - I was flying over the city I live in, looking at all the glass towers and the construction cranes, marvelling at how fast things are changing. After a little while, because I am not a kid anymore, I felt the need to rationalize my flying, so a helicopter spontaneously formed around me along with some friends. One friend asked to be dropped off at his new apartment on the 100th floor of a snazzy new condo, so the copter manouvered as close as possible to the building, and my friend, laughing, tried to climb in his window. Unfortunately, he doesn't make it, and plummets 100 storeys to his death. His buddies in the copter are all horrified and flee the scene.

Something supernatural happens then, perhaps due to the rage of the flat guy over his stupid death. An invisible force takes hold of everyone in the condo building, hauls them out their windows, and drops them all from the 100th floor. Hundreds of screaming yuppies and hipsters fall from the sky all around the building, creating a carpet of broken, but well-dressed, bodies. There is only one survivor, a young woman whose fall is broken by all the other people who hit the ground before her. She picks her way out of the carnage and wanders the city in a daze for some time, and since she is a person who has never really reflected on life or her place in it, the strange brush with death has a traumatic effect on her. Eventually, she decides to become an artist in order to process what has happened to her.

Her first project is to return to the building where the strange event happened and set up a trampoline over the empty elevator shaft and video displays on all four walls around it, flashing images and words while the artist jumps around between them. She then goes on to make a performance piece about the massacre of a pagan tribe somewhere under a great European city, suggesting that it was in fact a mass suicide orchestrated by the tribe's high priestess in protest against the coming of christianity. She performs this in a haunted hotel supposedly built on the site of the massacre. And finally, in her most famous work, the artist flies a helicopter over the Vatican while the Pope is speaking, and releases a swarm of stinging insects into the crowd. She then takes aerial pictures of the patterns created by the crowd's movements as people start running from the insects.

After these exploits, and given her history, the artist becomes world-famous. The developers of an ultra-modern condo complex near Amsterdam bring her in as a consultant as they try to create the hippest high-rises in the world. She is helicoptered in for a gala at the future site of the towers, and a bamboo boardwalk as long as the towers will be high is built for the event, and lined with banks of microphones and folding chairs. The artist sits on the floor in her vermilion evening gown. People forgive this eccentricity, but when she gets up to speak many notice that she has put on a lot of weight, and this starts the fashionistas whispering that she is "washed up", or whatever they are saying nowadays. The artist puts the final nail in her own coffin when she says simply, "This building will fall down," and walks off the stage. She is never heard from again.

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